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3 Reasons Humanoid Robots Make Great Comic Book Heroes

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As you read comic books and find a whole world of superheroes to connect to, you will come across all kinds of hero shapes and designs. If the comic book skews towards science fiction, then you may find some comics where a humanoid robot serves as the main character. Half-human and half-machine, a humanoid robot can make a great hero to read about.

Read ahead to see how humanoid robots make excellent comic book heroes.

1. Human Conscience

No matter how many robot pieces the main character has in a humanoid robot comic book series, they still maintain a human mind and thought process. Their actions, words, and motivations often feature similar actions to a full human. Readers can connect to these heroes with empathic points of view and understand their motivations and choices.

With the human conscience, readers can dive deeper into the story and follow a journey with a hero no matter how many robot parts they have.

2. Human Features & Connections

When people read superhero comic books, many of them want to put themselves in the role of the hero. They envision their own lives in similar ways and can dive deep into issues to find those direct connections. One way a humanoid robot helps with this connection is through human features.

A humanoid robot with a human face will draw a deeper connection for readers. This allows a person to dive deeper into the story and care about the journey of the hero as they embark on missions and go through various plot points. Readers will have a much easier time living vicariously through the humanoid robots as opposed to just straight-up robot designs.

3. Realistic Possibilities

Humanoid robot comics present a lot of science-fiction-based storylines, but readers can connect to some of the realistic possibilities within the stories. As technology advances and improves, the robots featured in the stories could become a reality in the future. The heroes that rise up to defend the world may not seem so far-fetched.

A reader can see the realistic possibilities and apply the heroic elements to their everyday lives. As human robotics technology improves, the politics, ethical choices, and deep plots found within the stories can become a part of everyday life. The realistic nature of the technology creates a compelling read.

The story really reflects a not-so-distant future and helps make the storytelling feel rich and entertaining with a lot of relatable high concepts.

Check out collections of humanoid robot comic books to follow the stories of heroes you will connect to and enjoy. 
